Estonian Aviation Museum
As a technical area interest centre the Estonian Aviation Museum (EAM) advocates the engineering education. EAM activities are first of all directed to school pupils, students, conscripts and young families.
32 aircrafts and gliders and 6 helicopters in the outside exposition represent the European and American aviation technique, there are also anti-aircraft guns and the representatives of all surface-to-air missiles that were located on the Estonian territory during the Soviet occupation. The inside exposition presents over 500 high-quality models of aircrafts, helicopters and missiles.
In EAM It is possible to organize lectures, company and family events.
You are welcome! There is a lot of discovery delight !
NB! For Ukrainian war refugees schoolchildren the admission to the museum is free.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Estonian Aviation Museum, Estonian Aviation Days 2025 will be organized on June 7-8.
The keynote performers will be the Baltic Bees jets group, Scandinavian Airshow Team and NATO security fighters. Follow the more detailed information coming soon.
Visit Us
Foundation Estonian Aviation Museum
Veskiorg, Lange, Kastre vald, 62115 Tartumaa
N58°17’16.5″, E26°45’51.01″
Upon prior notice the museum is open for groups and scientific workers throughout the year.
To regular visitors the museum is open as follows:
From April 28 until May 23 and from September 29 until October 26 at 11.00 – 16.00.
From May 24 until September 28 at 10.00 – 18.00
Museum is also open on public holidays.
NB! On June 23 and 24, the museum is open at 10.00 – 16.00
Group visits should be announced in advance by tel. +372 5026712 or by