Estonian Aviation Days 2024 take place on June 8-9, 2024
Now already traditional annual Estonian Aviation Days is the largest aviational event in the Baltics. The Estonian Aviation Museum continues to be the initiator of the Aviation Days. The most important partners are the Estonian Air Force and the Estonian Aviation Academy. Estonian Aviation Days are included in the European Capital of Culture 2024 companion program. Also, the 105th anniversary of the Estonian Air Force will be celebrated.
Aviation Days information will be added on the ongoing basis during the organizing.
Participants of Estonian Aviation Days 2024
Main organizers
- Estonian Aviation Museum – main organizer
- Estonian Aviation Academy– co-organizer
- Estonian Air Force– compiling the flight programme
- Tartu Airport– base airfield
Flight programme participants
- Estonian Air Force– aviation technique in static exposure and demo flights
- PPA Flight Group – aviation technique in static exposure and demo flights
- Scandinavian Airshow– aerobatic flights
- Jüri Kaljundi – demo flight on a biplane Pitts S-2A
- NATO air defence fighters (Spain, Portugal)
Participants in the ad booths
- Estonian Aviation cluster
- Estonian Private Pilots Association
- Magnetic MRO
- The Defence League unit (Tartu Maleva Elva Malevkond)
- Heavy equipment of NATO allies from Tapa
- Transport Administration
- Environmental Board
- Estonian Aviation Academy
- Tartu 24 European Capital of Culture
- Defence League Drone group
- Students’ solar car
- CF-Moto Estonia
- Prison Board
Support Programme
- Rotary car
- Trampolines
- Catapult
- Tower jumps
- Inflatable „Fortress“ – children’s corner
Preliminary Programme of Aviation Days on June 8th
- 9:30 Aircraft engineering objects arrive on the museum territory for static display
- 10:00
- The territory and exposition of the Aviation Museum will be opened for visitors.
- The advertising boxes of enterpreneurs will be opened.
- Open are attractions, sales outlets and children’s corners.
- The Defence League unit and an Allied battle group from Tapa are ready to welcome visitors.
- Presentation of the Air Force’s portable remote surveillance radar.
- Interest flights start.
- 10:00 Pilots briefing in hangar nr.19
- 11:00 Opening of the Air Force stand “22 years of Robinson R44 helicopters and pilots in the Air Force”. Hangar nr.19, representatives of the Air Force, pilots, Urmas Klaas, Annika Pajumaa Murov, M. Meos.
- 11.30 Air Force Robinson R44 helicopter welcome flight
- 11.45 Demo flight by Jüri Kaljundi on a biplane Pitts S-2A.
- 12.00 Demo flight of the Estonian Air Force Robinson R44 helicopter.
- 12.20 Takeoffs and landings of small aircrafts.
- 12.45 Takeoffs and landings of small aircrafts.
- 12.55 Demo flight of the L-39 jet.
- 13.10 Presentation by slackline stuntman Tauri Vahesaar
- 13.40 Takeoffs and landings of small aircrafts.
- 14.00 Overflight of NATO Air Policing fighters (Portugal 2 x F-16).
- 14.20 Demo flight of the Mi-8 helicopter of the Lithuanian Air Force.
- 14.50 Demo flight by Jüri Kaljundi on a biplane Pitts S-2A15.
- 15.15 The flight programme ends. The viewing of aviation technique at the flight site continues.
- 10.00-18.00 Interest flights.NB! Depending on the last-minute decisions of the flight programme participants or weather conditions, the schedule may be refined or changed on an ongoing basis!
Aviation Days entrance fees:
- general ticket for adults 20 €
- schoolchildren 10 €, when presenting a card for large families, the ticket price for schoolchildren is 5 €
- preschoolers free of charge
- visitors with severe movement disability free of charge
- The Aviation Days tickets are also available in the roadside kiosks.
The Car Parking area is on the territory of Lange Moto Centre. In the interest of the speed of service the cars will be parked and then, together with buying the Aviation Days ticket, also the parking ticket (5 EUR) should be bought. The existence of the parking ticket will be checked on leaving the parking lot by car.The visitors are kindly asked not to leave their arrival for the last minute, which can lead to long queues of cars. In the interest of the speed of service please pay in cash, if possible.
Preliminary Programme of Aviation Days on June 9th
- 10:00
- The territory and exposition of the Aviation Museum will be opened for visitors.
- The advertising boxes of enterpreneurs will be opened.
- Open are attractions, sales outlets and children’s corners.
- The Defence League unit and an Allied battle group from Tapa are ready to welcome visitors.
- 10:00 Pilots briefing in hangar nr.19.
- 12.00 Demo flight by Jüri Kaljundi on a biplane Pitts S-2A.
- 12.30 Scandinavian Airshow Jacob Hollander’s solo aerobatic flight.
- 12.45 Demo flight of helicopter Robinson R44.
- 13.30 Overflight of NATO Air Policing fighter(s), (multiple overflights).
- 13.50 Scandinavian Airshow Skycat wingwalkers show
- 14.15 Presentation by slackline stuntman Tauri Vahesaar
- 14.35 Demo flight by Jüri Kaljundi on a biplane Pitts S-2A.
- 14.50 Scandinavian Airshow aerobatic flight in formation.
- 15.20 Leaving of Latvian An-2
- 15.35 Scandinavian Airshow group aerobatics
- 16.30 The flight programme ends.
NB! Depending on the last-minute decisions of the flight programme participants or weather conditions, the schedule may be refined or changed on an ongoing basis!
Aviation Days entrance fees:
- general ticket for adults 20 €
- schoolchildren 10 €, when presenting a card for large families, the ticket price for schoolchildren is 5 €
- preschoolers free of charge
- visitors with severe movement disability free of charge
- The Aviation Days tickets are also available in the roadside kiosks.
The Car Parking area is on the territory of Lange Moto Centre. In the interest of the speed of service the cars will be parked and then, together with buying the Aviation Days ticket, also the parking ticket (5 EUR) should be bought. The existence of the parking ticket will be checked on leaving the parking lot by car.The visitors are kindly asked not to leave their arrival for the last minute, which can lead to long queues of cars. In the interest of the speed of service please pay in cash, if possible.
Supporters of Estonian Aviation Days 2024
Eesti Õhuvägi2
Eesti Lennundusmuuseum2
Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet
Eesti Lennuakadeemia
Tartu Lennujaam
Tallinna Lennujaam
A. Le Coq
Kastre vald
Kambja vald
Luunja vald
Tartu vald
EMG Kuiv Liiv OÜ
Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Tartu Terminal
As Samelin
Soleest OÜ
Grüne Fee
Vara Saeveski
Tartu Veevärk
AS Olbtar
Estiko Grupp
Fort Aero
Lemeks Grupp
Puma Aviation
Tartu 2024
AS Pakker Avio
Estonian Aviation Cluster
Autospirit Tartu
Ascar Tartu